How to save money on a tight budget

How to save money on a tight budget – 5 proven ways

There is a saying that money can’t buy you happiness and that is true to some extent. However, I do know that I need it just enough to put food on my kitchen’s table, buy clothes for my kids, and have extra when I am no longer able to work.

What I am about to share to you is not a rocket science and something that I have been doing for the past 12 years. These principles on how to save money on a tight budget apply to whatever your occupation, social, and income status are.

You do not need to have a full or part-time job to save money. If you are a high school or college student but receiving a monthly support from your parents or financial aid organizations, you can save and grow that money. If you are unemployed due to health or any similar issues but receiving some sort of financial assistance on regular basis, you can also follow my suggestions. Continue reading “How to save money on a tight budget – 5 proven ways”

How to lead a meeting effectively

How to conduct a meeting effectively – Anyone can do it!

Have you ever been in a meeting where:

  • you have no idea what the meeting is about?
  • you feel that you do not need to be there because it does not pertain to you?
  • you see other people not listening or engaging?
  • you see a constant sidebar conversation happening?
  • you come out with unclear result or plan?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you already experienced how most meetings are being conducted nowadays. Believe it or not, meetings can be productive and effective. If they are not, everyone’s time and energy would be wasted. If you are in a position where you need to lead meetings regularly, after reading this post, you will have a good understanding on how to conduct a meeting effectively with confidence. Continue reading “How to conduct a meeting effectively – Anyone can do it!”

How to stay awake at the office

How To Stay Awake At The Office [Without Caffeine]

So you are having a hard time staying awake at the office? Well…guess what…you are not alone! According to this CNBC article, 51% of Americans snooze at work. The article further gave a breakdown of percentages from different industries.

If you are someone who works at an office, spends the majority of your time sitting in front of a monitor, and does a lot of repetitive work, you have a higher chance of getting tired easily. In this post, I am going to share with you 5 tips on how to stay awake at the office without taking any caffeine.

It’s not that I hate caffeine, but I always try avoiding any kind of chemical or substance to my body if possible. And because of that reason water is my favorite beverage!

The following ideas work for me really well so I see no reasons why they will not work for you. Continue reading “How To Stay Awake At The Office [Without Caffeine]”

How To Buy A Standing Desk [For First Time Buyer]

Hey there! Let me start by saying that I have never thought that I would need a standing desk until I realized that sitting for hours in a day had an adverse effect on my body. In fact, as I am writing this post I am using my standing desk that I purchased not long ago.

I explored a number of standing desks with different types and features and decided to settle with one that met my need and budget. My hope that after reading this post on how to buy a standing desk for first time buyer, you will have some ideas on how to buy a standing desk that work for you and your family without breaking the bank. Continue reading “How To Buy A Standing Desk [For First Time Buyer]”

About Rei

About Rei

Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting my site. Allow me to quickly introduce myself so you can have an idea who I am and why I am creating this site. My name is Rei and I am a lucky husband and a proud father of two brilliant boys!

I work full time during the day at a public company that manufactures tools you commonly see at the big box retailers, such as Lowes and Home Depot. However, I still want to do something productive in my spare time particularly getting connected with other people. Therefore, I created healthyunme as an avenue to channel my need.

I believe you will find healthyunme as a helpful guide and resource as you strive to live a healthy and balance lifestyle.

Health Conscious

I was raised in a family where staying healthy is right there at the top of the priorities along with having a solid academic education and spiritual growth.

When I say healthy, I am not simply referring to have a regular healthy diet but also a peaceful mind and spirit. Your body and internal organs may be in a good shape now but if you are constantly stressed out about something or spiritually troubled, sooner or later you will feel the negative effect from them.

The following statement will sound like I am boasting about my life but the truth is I am just like you and other people who has his own personal struggles and challenges. The main difference in my opinion is that I have become pretty savvy in maintaining my physical well-being and managing stress and disappointment.

Being Positive is SO Much better

I have known and made friends with people who are genuinely positive regardless their circumstances and those who sometimes I wonder how they could possibly manage to live such a miserable life.

But anyway you can trust me when I say it is much better to have a positive attitude than to dwell in a negative thought frequently. It does impact the way you live and how you view life in general.

With my experience and knowledge, I want to offer you some tips and advice that I truly believe can be very helpful and practical.

You only live on this earth once so might as well live your life well and enjoy it to the fullest!

Change someone’s life one at a time

The coolest thing about healthyunme is that it has a potential of helping somebody and therefore, changing his or her life for the better. I feel very blessed and energized thinking about this possibility.

You can expect to read some articles about maintaining a healthy body in different ways. You will also hear from me how I cope with daily pressures and still obtain peaceful mind. My hope is that you can get something from this site and apply it to your own life.

Don’t be surprised if you read some random topics, such as finances or relationships. They all matter to your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

People say you are what you drive and while I somewhat agree with that statement to certain extent, I say what is more important is that you are what you eat, you are what you read, and you are what you do in your spare time.

Please write some of your thoughts each time you finish reading a post. I would like to hear your story and gets connected with you.

And if you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,
