How to save money on a tight budget

How to save money on a tight budget – 5 proven ways

There is a saying that money can’t buy you happiness and that is true to some extent. However, I do know that I need it just enough to put food on my kitchen’s table, buy clothes for my kids, and have extra when I am no longer able to work.

What I am about to share to you is not a rocket science and something that I have been doing for the past 12 years. These principles on how to save money on a tight budget apply to whatever your occupation, social, and income status are.

You do not need to have a full or part-time job to save money. If you are a high school or college student but receiving a monthly support from your parents or financial aid organizations, you can save and grow that money. If you are unemployed due to health or any similar issues but receiving some sort of financial assistance on regular basis, you can also follow my suggestions. Continue reading “How to save money on a tight budget – 5 proven ways”